Tag Archives | social media

Five steps to get the right traffic to your website

Now that you have your own website, you’re wondering how to make your audience visit it. Well, here you have five useful tips. Getting the right traffic in your website requires… Using the right words: understand your customer’s way of searching. What words would he or she use to find you? Making a presence in social […]

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Five steps to start a blog about your business

  If you want to start a blog about your business, you should consider reading these 5 steps. Think about the topics that you and your audience have in common. For example, if you are selling coffee machines and your audience is interested in coffee recipes, you could talk about the unique recipes that can […]

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Do I need a Facebook Page?

So many people around you are starting to use Facebook as a tool for their business, but maybe you still feel uncertain about how it works, how would it help your business and what would you do with it? In this article you’ll find a series of simple questions that would help you to find […]

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