Archive | Digital decisions

Why we ask for a budget

Comprehending the scope of a project is all about understanding the needs, desires and budget of the client. This rule applies to all projects, whether a business is selling cars, furniture, clothing etc. One important factor in tailoring a website to a clients needs is to consider the demographic of the business, reaching the right […]

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Do I need a Facebook Page?

So many people around you are starting to use Facebook as a tool for their business, but maybe you still feel uncertain about how it works, how would it help your business and what would you do with it? In this article you’ll find a series of simple questions that would help you to find […]

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ecommerce basics

Considering an e-commerce website

Did you know that 10.6% of the total retail sales in the UK are made via e-commerce? It is really simple, e-commerce is the way to sell your products online. There are different types of e-commerce; online shopping, electronic payments, Internet banking, online ticketing. But they all work in the same way, providing customers and […]

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